So, how to use lavender oil against Anxiety? Because of everyday stress, many people face serious health problems caused by anxiety. Anxiety is a “silent” disease that affects both physical and mental health, and if untreated it can escalate into a serious mental disorder.
Women are more susceptible to this disease, and this is a serious threat to them and their health. Because of stress and depression, the body has a deficiency of serotonin and dopamine, which in the long run can have dangerous consequences.
Factors that are caused by stress and anxiety in women:
- False interpretation of problems
- Pain in the muscles and other parts of the body
- Tension
- Fear for the smallest things
- Fatigue
- Pain in the stomach and nausea
- Inability to relax
- Concentration problems
- Often going to the bathroom
- Variable layout
- Swallowing problems
- Sweating
- Signs of depression
- Impulse
- Difficult breathing
- Permanent headaches
- Sleep problems
When this happens, therapy usually takes place with medications. But these drugs often cause addiction, so natural treatments are better. In some cases, medicines that have serious side effects are prescribed.
Traditional medicine offers many herbs and plants that have proven to be effective in combating these diseases. One study has shown that lavender oil actually acts as the most prescribed medication for anxiety. The best of all is that the lavender does not cause dependence, and it has no side effects.
With lavender oil you can treat:
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Symptoms of dementia
- Inflammation, muscle pain, and joint pain
How to use lavender oil?
You can prepare wonderful lavender tea. Add 1-2 tablespoons of dried lavender flowers to a cup with boiling water. Leave the tea for 10-15 minutes, then strain it.
You can also add 6 drops of lavender oil to your beverage or 6-7 tablespoons of dry flowers.
The oil can be consumed orally, and you can also find capsules. Before starting any treatment, consult your doctor. Keep in mind that capsules are not recommended for children.
If you consume lavender orally, it can cause drowsiness in combination with other medicines, such as antidepressants.