If You Only Have 30 Minutes, This Type of Workout Will Give You Results

by Good Health Talks
If You Only Have 30 Minutes, This Type of Workout Will Give You Results

If you are like me, you probably need a lot of motivation and persuading before you start being active.  Nonetheless, all the articles I’ve read say that exercising is good for my physical and mental health. Despite all the videos I’ve seen to motivate myself to even start a 10-minute workout a day, I still found it hard to be consistent. Anything sounds familiar to you?

Don’t worry, we all have the “not enough” time excuse, or I’ll start next month …. We all lead a busy life and want to spend more time resting or being with our families. I get you! Lounging on your couch watching Netflix sounds like a better idea right?

After all this time skipping workouts and not finding the time for myself, I realized that I really need better self-care and I really deserve it! I deserve to be a healthier version of myself and I deserve to have more energy and do all the things I love with ease instead of feeling tired and without any energy all the time! I am trying to be better at building my routine and sticking to it to the best of my abilities!

The thing that has really changed my views on working out is the realization that I don’t need 45 minutes or 1 hour a day to get into shape and feel the benefits of an effective workout. I just need 15 minutes or even better, even 30 on some days!

What is an effective workout?

It is all about getting your heart rate high! A shorter workout can actually be even more effective as you have less time to make excuses and it feels more doable when the exercises need a shorter period for completion. If you can get your heart rate into the aerobic-anaerobic zone (70% to 80% max heart rate), then you are working in a great zone to burn fat and calories and improve your overall fitness.

How can you get off the couch and back into workout mode? The experts shared some tips below.


Write it down! What is your goal? To feel more energetic, to lose weight, to be fit? Commit to it and have in mind the wonderful results! Imagine putting on that dress you used to wear 10 years ago, or climbing that hill and feeling like you’ve achieved something really big in your life!


Start off with shorter workouts, let’s say 10 minutes twice a week. Then gradually add the time and the days.


Schedule your workout on your phone like you’ve got a meeting to attend!


What was the reason in the first place you started working out? Why is it good for you? Try to remind yourself and motivate yourself daily!


Accountability can play a huge role, so getting a workout buddy or joining an online community can help you stay on track and provide you with support.


Choose the movement that you find fun and you can turn it into a habit. I’ve found so many 10-15 minutes dance workouts on Youtube! It was so fun doing them! You dance and burn calories at the same time (you laugh out loud at your dancing skills too)


Say thanks to yourself for taking the time and doing something great for yourself! Namaste!

Choose from these:

Cardio workout

Cardio workout can really be hard but as I mentioned before, cardio can be fun too! Find Zumba lessons on Youtube and go with the flow! You will have a blast, believe me!

At the gym

You can work out with your best friend or with a personal trainer!

Power walks

I’ve personally found them very useful for me! Get to the nearest park, put on your headphones, and start walking fast. You could do 15 minutes in one way and then 15 minutes back.

Tip: You can listen to walking meditations or some energizing music! If you are like me, you can just simply enjoy the sounds of nature!

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