How to Support Your Immune System in Winter?

The support of your immune system should be your top priority, especially as seasons change and winter is almost here. It’s important to embrace various practices for maintaining your overall health. Some everyday practices such as consistent physical activity, getting enough sleep, following a healthy diet, and drinking lots of liquids are the essentials for a strong immune system. If we add a few supplements with science-backed ingredients, we will power up our immune system and fight off colds and more serious illnesses easily.
We talked to our readers and they shared some of their tips with us.

According to Joanne, self–care is key and with winter approaching her self-care routine includes morning workouts, a stricter sleep schedule, and plenty of vegetable soups. As an additional supplement, she likes using zinc.
According to research a lot of people don’t get enough zinc from their everyday diet, so it is very important to include this vitamin if we want to boost our immune system and protect ourselves from colds and flu. Zinc is essential for the function and development of our immune cells.
If you don’t fancy taking supplements you can at least try to eat more foods rich in zinc such as beef, lentils, turkey, cheese, oatmeal, peas, mushrooms, oysters, and spinach. Try to add as many zinc-rich veggies in your big pot of soup.

I am sure you have never heard of it, or its name sounds familiar but you are not really sure what it is.
Quercetin is a natural pigment present in many vegetables grains and fruits.
It is rich in antioxidants and helps your body fight free radical damage and supports your immune system, especially when combined with zinc.
Why combine it with zinc? Quercetin acts as a zinc ionophore. This means that quercetin transports zinc into cells where it is most needed.
What are some quercetin-packed fruits and veggies? These include broccoli, kale, onions, capers, apples, and citrus. Focus on getting this ingredient from raw food first, then add supplements to be sure you get the right needed dosage.

Vitamin C
This article cannot be complete without vitamin C, which has a supreme role in our immune system support. So why is it so essential, especially with winter coming up? It has a key role in the function of our immune cells which are part of our immune system, especially the white blood cells. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant and protects white blood cells from oxidative damage.
Along with the intake of lemon and orange juice or adding lemon to your tea, it’s always a good idea to add up some Vitamin C supplements to get the right amount and protect your immune system.

Vitamin D
4p.m is it night already? As the days get shorter, our daily dose of vitamin D may decrease significantly. Keeping the amount of Vitamin D in our blood steady is very important for our immune health. Just like Vitamin C, vitamin D also helps with immune cell production, function, and regulation.
So, how to keep it steady? Choose foods rich in healthy fats like avocado, eggs, and wild salmon. And of course, boost the daily intake by adding Vitamin D supplements.


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