6 Easy Ayurvedic Habits For Better Health

As each year passes by I notice how I feel big differences in my mind, my skin, and my body every time I don’t take care of myself as I should. For example, not following through with my face routine, eating mostly processed foods, and not getting enough physical movement.

So every time I hit ‘’rock-bottom’’ I say to myself Now it’s really time for a change!

It was a couple of years ago when I did research and most of the wellness experts recommended various Ayurvedic practices. It really intrigued me and I was determined to try to incorporate them into my daily life.

Ayurveda centers around the three energies, or doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) that each individual is made of. It prescribes the best practices, workouts, and food for each of these doshas.

I immediately chose a few practices that could effortlessly fit into my daily habits. I was really happy because these are practices are not time-consuming and are not difficult to make.

Trust me, the results have been palpable. Below, find the easy Ayurvedic habits that have made my life, skin, and health so much better.

Ayurvedic Habit  1 : Drink Room Temperature Water

Maybe you already do this, just like me, but there are some people who cannot imagine drinking room temperature water. I have this friend of mine who says: If the water is not cold, it simply doesn’t quench my thirst. If you are like her, take this into consideration.

According to Ayurveda, Agni—the internal fire—is key to good metabolism and digestion of nutrients,”

Cold water leads to low metabolism and slow digestion, as well as a build-up of toxins in your system.

Experts recommend we should drink water 20 minutes before or after meals so that digestive juices are not diluted.

Ayurvedic Habit 2: Prioritize Digestion

Honestly, I have never thought about what was good or not for my digestion until I started having some problems. Every time I ate certain foods I felt like my stomach was going to explode.

Ayurveda says that for optimal digestion we should implement warming spices such as ginger, pepper, cloves, or cinnamon into our cooking. Natural juices like lime or lemon juice can be helpful with digestion too.

Take a look at this simple  Ayuverdic recipe. It is a recipe for a pre-digestive mixture that you can drink before eating to stimulate digestion/ You only need:

  • Fresh lime juice
  • Pounded up ginger
  • Honey

You can also consider buying Ayuverdic digestion supplements

Ayurvedic Habit 3: Practice Yoga

Yoga is the so-called sister of the Ayurveda and its emphasis is on the equilibrium of the mind and body

Since I started doing yoga daily, my life truly changed. Not only do I feel calmer, but I also notice my body muscle mass is strengthening and I always feel a shift in my energy when I finish exercising.

“Yoga, and specific asanas within its practice, can have a powerful impact on normalizing imbalances,”

You only need several minutes a day. I highly recommend Yoga with Adrienne- You can find her videos on Youtube.

Ayurvedic Habit 4: Incorporate Seasonal Skincare

Ayurveda suggests greater exfoliation of the skin in winter, and using cooling ingredients like aloe, rose water and sandalwood during the summer. Avoid hot showers and hydrate yourself during the day!

5: Dry Brushing and Oil Massage

Dry brushing is a traditional Ayurvedic practice used to detox your lymphatic system and recharge and exfoliate your skin. Tips for more effective dry brushing:

  • Don’t use oil during the act of brushing
  • Use a vegetable bristle dry brush
  • Brush gently and towards your heart
  • Make semicircular motions
  • After you’ve finished do a gentle self-massage using essential oils
6: Eat Warming Foods

In Ayurveda, every person is made up of all three doshas, but usually one is more dominant than the others. Diet plays a crucial role in keeping your doshas in balance. In my case, Vata is the predominant one.

I really found that Vata-recommended eating habits keep me the happiest. One of these habits is eating warming foods

It makes me feel full and satisfied. Find about your predominant dosha and try Ayuverdic eating recommendations! I am sure you’ll find great benefits!

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